Sunday, September 9, 2007


Hey there -

over. The Assembly's over, the tensions are over, I'm over, over.
Strange, to still sit in the Youth Café, where we first sat Saturday one week ago. Intbeween a lot of things happened but still, I cannot recall a lot of them, just the flash of experiences. Of course, I remember fun (a lot) and quarrel (a lot as well and a lot was due to not talking not due to talking unfortunately), but at the moment - over.
But I feel that a lot of things are still working in my head, they will come in detail and will be part of my personal follow up. Evaluating the youth participation for example. Extending the Ecumenical Network. and and and

Catharina just mentioned, that after this week in Casa Teutsch she nearly feels at home and like in a living room. No more video, but stars of these days: the very nice people in the youth café who had a lot of work with us, but maybe as well had some fun. Thanks for giving us space for hearings and the alternative forum, wireless internet access, coffee and silence. A nice aspect to take home: the guarantee to have a living room in Sibiu.


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