Monday, September 3, 2007

The stewards' tasks

Yesterday evening our small delegates group met the stewards at their Romanian evening. It seemed to us that there is a good atmosphere within the stewards group, as the laughed a lot. We heard a lot of information about religion, culture and food (inclusive drinks!) in Romania and could get a very spirited impression of the country. Definitely they’ll make a good job and will contribute their attitudes and their enthusiasm to the Assembly.

One thing was a little bit irritating: They started to assign the different tasks since there are a lot of different jobs the stewards are responsible for. Yesterday some people already were chosen to be the “worship stewards” – unfortunately some of them didn’t remember that they had declared to do this tasks - some “misunderstanding”? Maybe.

Today the rest of the stewards will get to know what will be their main function during the Assembly – dependent on the different gifts and interests they have.
Best wishes to them and their work!

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