Sibiu/Romania, 4.-9.9.2007
Press release
Sibiu, 8th of September 2007
Alternative Forum during the EEA3
An alternative forum took place in the afternoon, uniting around 100 delegates from all parts of Europe and media representaties who took the opportunity to discuss the first time openly with each other. The organisers promised that there won’t be „any lectures, no words of greetings, but real discussions“ only. The issues discussed covered also „taboo matters“ that had been categorically excluded by the organizers of the official Assembly, e.g the ministry of ordained women in the Church.
The focus of the working groups established was on the implementation of the results of the EEA2 in Graz 1997 and possibl improvements for a 4th Assembly in the future.
Different forms of presentation included also the joint search for an „Ecumenical Miracle“ and an artistic way of presenting the vision of a „dancing ecumenism“.
The participants asked to call for a Forth European Ecumenical Assembly, taking place within the next 10 years that must be based on the equal involvement of women and men and on the participation of grassroots movements in the preparation process and the design of the new assembly, as some participants felt like „delegates in a prison“. A further discussion and implementation of the Charta Oecumenica was demanded as well as the start of a new process of inter-religious dialogue that could lead to a similar document as the Charta Oecumenica signed in 2001.
The Alternative Forum proved the strength of the European ecumenical youth movement, involving young delegates from every denomination. However, especially Orthodox young delegates expressed their wish to be better informed by their Churches about ecumenical activities and up-coming events.
As a conclusion, a vision of the Ecumenical movement in 2020 was presented which included the expectation that „Churches live in a reconciled diversity“and recognise each other as churches.
For interviews and questions, please contact:
Christoph Otto, +49 / 173 / 582 15 60
Tobias Traut, +49 / 163 / 820 86 00
Or just ask us. We are the people with the yellow caps ;-)
Appendix – Results of the Alternative Forum
Working group: Comparing Basel, Graz and Sibiu
We ask churches to commit themselves to organise another European Ecumenical Assembly within 5 – 10 years. It should be organised in a more participative way, with a prepatory committee to ensure that grassroots Ecumenical groups are included. A consultation process should be carried out to produce topics for discussion throughout the EEA4 journey. This journey should comprise national Ecumenical assemblies, with themes of justice, peace and integrity of creation at their core. At EEA4 we would examine and discuss the past, present, and future of practical implications of the Chara Oecumenica’s commitments.
Working Group: Ecumenical Miracle?
Is there life after Sibiu? What is the ecumenical miracle we need in our ecumenical journey? Like Goethe was quoted previously in the assembly, we need big visions, which can make our heart move.
The „Miracle“ group was heading for a brighter future, a big vision we Christians share. What would be the state of churches in 2020 and what would be the way there?
Church 2020:
Churches live in a reconciled diversity. We tolerate different theological views between the churches and also among our own churches. The essential basis of faith is common for all of us.
Churches got one voice in a society in fighting agains injustice, for peace etc. Christianity shows itself strongly in our societies and the lives of individuals.
We live in Christian happiness, joy of faith, and love to our neighbours.
Lay people have a big role in a life of churches. People bare responsibility and every person is a full member and represents its church.
Churches shoгld tear down fences between different groups of people. There’s no need to separate people on basis of age, gender, etc.
While we recognise members in different churches to be full Christians, and therefore see the prospect of joining the same table in heaven, why not joining the same table in this life? This may not happen in this very moment, but theological discussions must be emphasized and slow movements towards common eucharist must be taken, implementing common eucharist occationally in ecumenical event, churchs days, etc. special days. The Christ is the one who is calling us to holy communion.
On a way to the miraculous vision we need etc.
- self-commitment in our churches to the aims
- theological agreement on etc. justification
- consiliar process
- common ecumenical events
- recognition of each others churches
Waiting for parusia and doing something already before that.
A small miracle for EEA3 would be, that the final message would be composed on the basis of the message from youth pre-meeting instead of the draft of the drafting committee.
Collected by Topi Haarlaa
Working Group: Youth
· The group agreed on the aim of improving the communication between young Christians interested in the Ecumenical movement through strengthening Ecumenical youth networks and Ecumenical youth organisations.
· The group developed the idea of an European Ecumenical youth meeting to get to deepen the knowledge of other denominations and to inspire young people’s enthusiasm on Ecumenism.
· Especially, the Orthodox members of the group wished to be better included on the European level. Also, they wished for more support by their home churches in their involvement in Ecumenism.
Working Group: Ministry of ordained women in Church
Drawing: „Without title“
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