Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The yellow caps

The yellow caps are the distinctive mark of the young delegates. At our preliminary meeting in St.Maurice (Switzerland) we thought that it would be very useful to have something common. Voilà, here they are:

The verse from the Holy Scripture in Jer. 1,7 is God’s request to us young people to take active part in the world and also within the church:
“But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’; for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak.”

So we shouldn’t be modest in terms of staying quiet and leaving all of the discussions to the church leaders and the well-experienced Ecumenists, but raise our voice, if we have some new aspects, if we wand to direct the attention to other main focuses or if we think, some critical statements are needed to give the Ecumenical discussion a boost.

Young people often have a little bit different view on things as others have, just because we have less experience and still more vision, where the way of “ouikoumene” could go. But every movement, not only the Ecumenical, needs some refreshment not to go out of date: That’s why we have to raise new questions and new fruitful ideas for the Ecumenical movement.

The yellow colour very good represents that task. It’s similar to lemons, which are very fruitful and at the same time with a sour taste. But it’s the lemon, which gives a lot of dishes (as fish or Schnitzel) the special taste and which is needed, if you want to enjoy your meal.

So: If you are in Sibiu and see people, walking around with yellow caps – they are young delegates or show their support to the work of the young people at the EEA3.

Let’s have a delicious successful sweet-and-sour Ecumenical Assembly!

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