Friday, September 14, 2007

Quotes of Sibiu

I collected some quotes of delegates - here they are:

* Catholic delegate in the age around 50 about the passive participation:
„I’m back in school here“

* Protestant who was already a delegate in Graz:
„Nobody asked what happened to the commitments of Graz - not at any time in this week. Probably, nobody of the church leaders want to listen to, because then it’s obvious that they didn’t perform their homework“

* Young delegate about EEA3:
„If you did a conference similar to this in your own youth organisation, nobody would come a second time“

„What will you tell people, if you come home?“ Facial expression: Nothing.

* Methodist delegate about his experiences:
„I learned a lot here. Especially, how to make contributions in an undemocratic assembly.“


Lucian Todoran said...

Well, we should have patience; if the results of the EEA3 are not shocking, they might be discrete. Even some publicity to ecumenism means a lot. In some ecclesiastical communities the opposition to ecumenism is very strong and maybe it will be weakened or, on the contrary, strengthened. But it is vital to be a general debate about ecumenism in every "yard".
Yes, even for me the speeches were disappointing, not reaching my expectations, but not all...

Jesus' Gal said...

What is EEA3?
Just for youths?
Do you serve Asian countries?